Money plays a crucial role in individuals' lives, whether they are single or married. It is vital to prioritize saving and making prudent investments to ensure a comfortable life and secure retirement. Upon entering into marriage, financial considerations become more intricate due to the dual income and increased responsibilities. As a newly married couple, merging finances often entails a trial-and-error process to identify the most effective approach.
It is imperative to have conversations about finances early on in a relationship or before marriage in order to establish a solid foundation for the future. Addressing debt, such as student loans, credit card debt, or other financial obligations, is crucial during the courtship phase. By openly discussing each other's financial situations, transparency and effective planning can be achieved.
Despite the challenges these conversations may pose, establishing a financial plan early on is imperative. Marriage is typically a financially strategic decision, with couples opting to manage their finances separately, jointly, or through a combination of both approaches, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
"The newly wed couples should talk it out when they get married and would be managing joint accounts. There should be a goal-based approach. They should talk about their liabilities, short-term goals, mid-term goals and long-term goals and plans to fulfill them.